Constantly having to carry two phones at the same time. A phone for work and then one for personal use? It can be frustrating and often confusing to switch between them, that’s why there’s a solution out there - Dual SIM Phones!
With the new android devices such as the Samsung Galaxy s20 coming out with dual SIM functionality, you’re spoiled for choice. So we thought we’d help you run through what you will need to know so you can decide if it will help you out or not. If you’re an Apple iPhone user you will have to convert to android, as even the newer apple devices like the iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Mini don’t come with dual sim functionality.
Singular Handsets:
Singular handsets are ideal for people who use a mobile phone for both personal and business use. It means that you have two phone numbers in one device - how great is that? Gone are the days of carrying two devices at the same time! And don’t worry about having to switch each time, dual active SIMs are really clever and let you know which number you’re receiving a call to, especially useful so you can differentiate between personal and business before you pick-up.
You Aren’t Locked To A Network:
You may have a concern about having to use the same provider, but you shouldn’t be! Dual-SIM phones aren’t actually locked in a network like a traditional pay monthly sim deal. This means you can get a single sim deal elsewhere to better fulfil the needs of your business. This also aids you massively if you’re taking a work trip abroad, most devices require you to unlock to use calls or even to pay a fee to use it outside of the U.K. You have the flexibility to decide which SIM card best fits your needs.
The different types of Dual SIM modes:
When looking for a Dual SIM device, you’ll find that there are three different types of SIM modes. DSDS is the most popular.
Dual SIM Passive (DSS)
Having a Dual SIM Passive Phone gives you the ability to have two different SIM cards, however, only one of them can be used at any given time. It means that when you’re using one SIM, the other one goes out of use and is unreachable. To activate the second SIM you’ll need to do it manually, and then vice versa to change back over.
Dual SIM Dual Standby (DSDS)
This mode is a mix between DSFA and DSDS. They are active at the same time but ONLY when they are not in use if the SIM cards are in standby you can actually make and receive telephone calls on any of them, it just means the other is inactive until the first card isn’t any longer in use.
Dual SIM Dual Active (DSFA)
This type of SIM mode means you have the ability to make phone calls from both of the SIM cards inside of your smartphone! You can also receive calls on either side of the two SIM cards, at the same time. Both SIM cards are permanently active.
Want to see the best SIM Only deals on the market?
Use our comparison service to find the perfect SIM for your dual SIM phone - the filters can be tailored to your needs to find the best price possible.